Using Auto Assign and Update

Using Auto Assign and Update

Auto Assign and Update is a grouping of setting within ATMe designed to help automate certain status updates and user assignments

To access the Auto Assign and Update menu, you will need to be logged in to ATMe with an admin type account. Click the drop down menu under your name in the top right corner of any ATMe page.
Select the AI Setup sub-menu, and click Auto Assign and Update:

From the Auto Assign and Update page, you can see the options available:

The first four Auto Assign options control automatic ticket assignment functions. When toggled on, if a visit does not have a service writer or technician assigned, these toggles will automatically assign users on certain actions.

1. SW Assignment on Status Update - With this toggle on, if a service writer updates a ticket's status they will automatically be assigned to that ticket IF no user is currently assigned as the service writer.

2. DVI Assignment - With this toggle on, if a service writer or technician updates information on the DVI (many actions will trigger this, like adding notes or acknowledging RVH) they will automatically be assigned to that ticket IF no user is currently assigned as the service writer or technician.

3. WO Assignment - With this toggle on, if a service writer or technician updates information on the work order (like adding notes or starting time clocks) they will automatically be assigned to that ticket IF no user is currently assigned as the service writer or technician.

4. QC Assignment - With this toggle on, if a service writer or technician updates information on the QC Form (like adding notes or setting an item status) they will automatically be assigned to that ticket IF no user is currently assigned as the service writer or technician.

The next section controls automated status updates based on certain actions

1. DVI Status Update - With this toggle on, if a technician updates information on the DVI (many actions will trigger this, like adding notes or acknowledging RVH) the visit's status will be updated to whichever status in the workflow is associated with the DVI form.

2. WO Status Update - With this toggle on, if a technician updates information on the work order (like adding notes or starting time clocks) the visit's status will be updated to whichever status in the workflow is associated with the WO form.

3. QC Status Update - With this toggle on, if a technician updates information on the work order (like adding notes or setting an item status) the visit's status will be updated to whichever status in the workflow is associated with the QC form.

4. DVI Signoff - When the DVI is signed off, the visit's status will automatically be updated to the status selected from the drop down box (if applied).

5. WO Signoff - When the work order is signed off, the visit's status will automatically be updated to the status selected from the drop down box (if applied).

6. QC Signoff - When the QC form is signed off, the visit's status will automatically be updated to the status selected from the drop down box (if applied).

It is important to note, if a visit is currently in a status further along the workflow than the status to be updated to, no update will occur. Said another way, auto status updates will not move backward in the workflow.

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