DVI Repopulation

DVI Repopulation

One of the great things about our DVI's is the capability of repopulating data from a previous inspection. If you have a customer that comes in regularly, being able to repopulate data from a previous inspection can help save time and effort when completing a DVI. 

If this is something you would like to implement into your shops, please use the following steps:

1. Make sure you are signed in as the admin for your location. 

2. Once signed in as the admin, select the "DVI Setup" option from the admin dropdown menu.

3.  In the "Toggles" section of the DVI Setup page, you will find three separate toggles you can use for repopulating data: "Repopulate previous Red/Yellow Inspection Data", "Repopulate Previous Green Inspection Data", and "Repopulate Previous Tire Data". 

It is important to note that if you want to "Repopulate Previous Green Inspection Data", the toggle for repopulating previous red/yellow inspection data must be turned on as well, however, you can choose to only have "Repopulate Previous Red/Yellow Inspection Data" turned on.

It is also important to note that the information that will pull from the previous inspection data will be from the previous DVI from the customer's last visit. This does include any inspection line items that were marked and updated from their previous visit.

4. The same for the previous inspection line data goes for the Tire Inspection on the DVI. 

If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.
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